Mrs. Kuelper's and Ms. Crabtree's 5th grade classes had some fun with displaying the moon phases using Oreo cookies. Once the assignment was graded, students got to eat the Oreos!
You're invited!
Mark your calendars for our 6th grade Living History Museum on Thursday, April 20th. Please locate the times of each 6th grade section below as well as enter through the Storm gymnasium doors. Enjoy as our 6th graders bring history to life.
Go Storm!!
Mrs. Hoyt's 8th grade Physical Science students created miniature windmills to explore wind energy.
Mrs DeMay's 6th graders investigated how to put together a peel puzzle. They demonstrated how an orange peel can illustrate how continents might fit together!
BV families,
Do you have plans next weekend? Please come join us next Friday and Saturday, April 21-22nd for the JH Drama Club production of "Shuddersome: Tales of Poe"! Our students have been working extremely hard to put on the most chilling and eerie show possible.
The tickets prices are:
Adults: $5
Seniors: $3
Students: $3
We hope to see you all there!
Mrs. Hoyt's 8th grade Physical Science students have been learning about energy. The students were able to choose a Lego creation to complete and share with their classmates on how their creation works as well as the forms of energy that are occurring.
Last week, students in Mrs. Hartz's math classes did a Gallery Walk! Each group learned about a topic, made a poster, and taught their classmates. Then each group walked from poster to poster to practice examples. It was a hands-on-way to learn new things!
Good Morning Storm Families,
Bureau Valley Junior High would like to invite the community to our 8th grade Living Wax Museum on Wednesday, April 19th from 5:30-6:30 The 8th grade students will be honoring influential people from America's past. Please mark the date on your calendar to support our 8th grade students.
Thank you.
Congratulations to the Scholastic Bowl Team for winning their last home meet against Amboy 295-110 & 135-100!
Due to the severe weather in our area, the 6th-grade field trip to the Challenger Center for today has been canceled. We will make all attempts to reschedule if possible but everyone's safety is our first priority. Please help us spread the word and stay safe!
Good Afternoon Everyone,
Drama Club, Brainstorm, and the JH track meet are canceled for this evening due to the early dismissal of school.
Due to the expected inclement weather, tomorrow night's scholastic bowl meet at Kewanee Visitation has been postponed to April 17th. The meet will start at 4:15 that day and the bus will leave at 3:15. The Scholastic Bowl team will practice tomorrow during lunch. Thank you
Go Storm!
Here is your March issue of our BVJH Thunderbolt. ENJOY!
The 7th grade classes held a Presidential and First Lady Tea on Friday. Some of our guests were George Washington, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan! It was fantastic to get to hear about so many accomplishments in the White House!
Thank you to all the families who joined us for our Family STEM Night! Also, thank you to the staff members that helped make this a successful event and the FFA for providing a wonderful meal!
Congratulations to our Elementary Students of the Month for March! These students showed a positive influence on the BVE student body through extraordinary qualities of character, citizenship, service, and leadership!
Congratulations to our Junior High Students of the Month for March! These students showed a positive influence on the BVJH student body through extraordinary qualities of character, citizenship, service, and leadership!
4th grade enjoyed a great day at the Bureau County Ag Fair Day learning about the many aspects of agriculture.
Scholastic Bowl members earned an ice cream party because they scored 300 points in last night's match!! Way to go!
6th grade science classes discussed how and why the equator is warmer then the polar regions today! The question they answered was: How does the Earth’s shape affect temperatures on Earth’s surface!!