The BVJH Speech team hosted the BVEC Speech Contest today and did a great job! They came away with 4 first places and 4 second places, but they all had so much fun. Way to go students and Coach Price!! Go Storm!

🍩✨ Donut Worry, We Made Them From Scratch! ✨🍩
The 7th grade Home Ec students got hands-on in the kitchen, making homemade doughnuts from biscuits!

Third grade artists learned about the heart artwork created by Jim Dine. They are using expressive lines, warm and cool colors, and positive and negative space to create their own Heart Art with Mrs. Knapp.

The BVJH Quarter 3 incentive was yesterday where students enjoyed donuts and milk, played dodgeball, went outside, and played board games all morning. Students earned the incentive with their attendance, grades, and behavior. Way to go students!!

🎉 Celebrating Excellence: Quarter 3 Achievements! 🎉 A huge congratulations to the students who achieved Perfect Attendance and made it to the Honor Roll for second quarter! We are so proud of your hard work, dedication, and commitment to excellence.

🌟 What a Night! 🔬🚀 🌟
Our Science Night in Manlius was a HUGE success last night! 🎉 Students and families danced in out in the Laser Show, purchased books from our Scholastic Book Fair, enjoyed hands-on activities from the Advanced Science Club, discovered the wonders of engineering, coded robots with the Junior High Robotics Team, experienced the Star Lab, and then enjoyed a meal from our high school FFA.
A big THANK YOU to our volunteers, clubs, and everyone who joined in the fun.
Already looking forward to next year’s event!

Doors open at noon today for the 2025 BVEC Art Show! Come around to the Storm Gym!

The book fair is ready and waiting! BVJH/Elementary students are excited to pick out their favorite books, erasers, pens, etc.! The book fair runs all next week!

Bureau Valley Junior High Student Council hosted a coin drive to raise money for our local food pantries. We raised $900 to divide among three local food pantries within our district. Congratulations to Mrs. Bells 4th grade class and 6D for collecting the most. Winners earned Jimmy John's lunch.

Students in Ms. Crabtree's class partnered up and worked together to decide what planet would be the best to land a solar powered rover on.
They used a flashlight as the sun to test the brightness on each planet. They had to reason why the planet they chose was the best planet for the rover.

Mrs. Kuelper’s fifth grade science class explored how the sun helps us explore other planets. The students constructed a model of the solar system and gathered observations of the sun’s apparent brightness from each planet within their model. Students then used those observations as evidence to support a claim about which planet is best suited to explore with a solar-powered rover.

Congratulations to Kylie Endress for her participation in the Regional Spelling Bee at Augustana College on Saturday, March 1st. Bureau Valley Junior High is proud of Kylie! She did a great job representing the Storm.

Mrs. Bell's 4th grade students' book projects for the 3rd nine weeks was based on a Who Is or Who Was book. The students did a great job!

Ms. Bitting's third graders were given the opportunity to join Mrs. Ledergerber's students to dissect and learn about the parts and functions of a sheep's brain!

Congratulations to our February IReady winners this month! They were Morgan Dowacter, Teegan Yepsen, Owen Lanxon, Myles Mahnesmith, Quinn Salisbury, and Kendra Brumley! They had the most lesson passed this month out of their classes. Way to go Storm!

Congratulations to BVE February Students of the Month. These students have a positive influence on the BVJH student body through extraordinary qualities of character, citizenship, service and leadership. ⚡️

Congratulations to BVJH February Students of the Month. These students have a positive influence on the BVJH student body through extraordinary qualities of character, citizenship, service and leadership. ⚡️

The Scholastic Bowl team is off to a great start for their season! The A team's record is 4-4 and the B team's record is 5-3. We celebrated a big win over Streator 325-90 with ice cream at practice this week. Great job scholars!!

🏐 Good luck tonight to our 8th Grade volleyball team as they compete for 3rd or 4th place in the SRC Conference Tournament vs Mendota! Game starts at 5:30 at Ottawa Shepherd. Good luck Ladies!

The BVJH Newspaper Club would like to thank the BV Foundation for their generous donation. We were able to purchase microphones, an iPad stand, and a clapboard to make our videos even more professional. Thank you!