2:00 Dismissal tomorrow and Spring Break begins! Enjoy the sun and warmer weather and come back ready to finish strong!
over 5 years ago, Julie Platz
Happy Spring Break
BUILDING BRIDGES IN MANLIUS! Mr. Schisler’s HS Leadership Class has partnered with Mrs. Shipp’s 7B English class to chronicle all the exciting changes happening in Manlius this year from their own perspectives. This was their first team building day creating a bridge out of newspapers that was strong enough to support a dictionary! I can’t wait to see what they do next!
over 5 years ago, Julie Platz
Building bridges
Testing bridges
Building bridges
BVS 8th grader travelled to IVCC for this year’s STEAM Conference and had a great time learning more about Steam, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture/Art and Math!
over 5 years ago, Julie Platz
STEAM Conference
STEAM Conference
STEAM Conference
Congratulations to BVS 8th grader Krysten Walowski for receiving Best of Show at the Junior High Art Invitational this morning. ⚡️BV Proud⚡️
over 5 years ago, Julie Platz
Krysten and her winning art work!
18 girls from 21st CCLC BV Brainstorm After School Program went to St. Ambrose University to Girls in Engineering Night in February. The hands on activities encourages girls to become interested in STEM. 21st CCLC BV Brainstorm is a partnership between the Regional Office of Education and Bureau Valley South. 18 girls from 21st CCLC BV Brainstorm After School Program went to St. Ambrose University to Girls in Engineering Night in February. The hands on activities encourages girls to become interested in STEM. 21st CCLC BV Brainstorm is a partnership between the Regional Office of Education and Bureau Valley South.
over 5 years ago, Julie Platz
Brainstorm field trip
Brainstorm field trip
Brainstorm field trip
Brainstorm field trip
Congratulations to Riley Cole our 8th grade Student of the Month for February. Students are nominated for outstanding character, citizenship, service and leadership! Way to go Riley! ⚡️⚡️BV Proud ⚡️⚡️
over 5 years ago, Julie Platz
8th grade Student of the Month!
Congratulations to Madelyn Mahnesmith our 7th grade Student of the Month for February. Students are nominated for outstanding character, citizenship, service and leadership! Way to go Madelyn! ⚡️⚡️BV Proud ⚡️⚡️
over 5 years ago, Julie Platz
7th grade Student of the Month!
Congratulations to Elijah Endress our 6th grade Student of the Month for February. Students are nominated for outstanding character, citizenship, service and leadership! Way to go Elijah! ⚡️⚡️BV Proud ⚡️⚡️
over 5 years ago, Julie Platz
6th Grade Student indent of the Month!
Two BVS 8th graders from Mrs. Ross’s Speech Team did an amazing job presenting at the BV Board Meeting last night. Camryn York and Brooklynn Cade have been in Speech for all 3 years at BVS and you will get one last chance to see the Speech Team in action at Family Reading Night in Buda on 3/14/19!
over 5 years ago, Julie Platz
Speech Team members
Speech Presentation