HOME OPENER ANNOUNCEMENT! Good luck to our 6th-8th girls volleyball teams as they have their home opener tonight vs Midland. Start time is 5:00 for 6th grade with 7th and 8th grade to follow. Good Luck Storm!!
over 1 year ago, Kelsie Kluck
Home Opener
Soccer Announcement! Princeton will be running a 6 week youth soccer program from April 3rd to May 20th. Please see the attached picture below for more information.
over 1 year ago, Kelsie Kluck
Princeton Youth Soccer League
Good Afternoon, Due to the explosion in LaSalle near the school, tonight's boys basketball game has been canceled and moved to tomorrow night. This also moves the 8th grade game time tomorrow night back. So the schedule is as follows: the 7th grade will leave tomorrow at 2:45 and play at 4:00 at Lincoln Junior High. The 8th grade team will leave at 5:30 and play at 7:45 in the SRC championship. The 7th grade team will not practice tonight and will go home after school. Good luck to both teams in the SRC tournament tomorrow night. If you have any questions please contact the junior high office. Thank you. GO STORM!
over 1 year ago, Kelsie Kluck
Good Morning Storm Families, Tonight's junior high volleyball game vs Kewanee Visitation has been canceled due to a staff member passing at their district. The 7th/8th grade girls will not have practice with the 6th grade team having practice from 3:00-5:00 with the activity shuttle running at 5:00. As of right now, the game will not be rescheduled. Please keep everyone in your thoughts. If you have any questions please contact the junior high office. Thank you.
over 1 year ago, Kelsie Kluck
Congratulations to all of our BVJH students who earned High Honors and Honors for second quarter! Way to go Storm!
over 1 year ago, Kelsie Kluck
honor roll
Congratulations to both our 7th and 8th grade boys basketball teams as both won their opening round in the SRC tournament. 7th grade will play Monday night with 8th grade playing on Tuesday! Way to represent! Go Storm!! 🌩️⚡️
over 1 year ago, Kelsie Kluck
The band and choir did a wonderful job performing tonight at the Peoria Rivermen Game!! Way to go BV!
over 1 year ago, Julie Platz
BVJH Band and Choir
BVJH Band and Choir
BVJH Band and Choir
BVJH 8th Grade Cheerleaders were recognized at our last home basketball game. What a great season by all and good luck next year cheering at BVHS.
over 1 year ago, Julie Platz
Congratulations to our 8th grade team as they won their last game before tipping off in the SRC tournament. Also thank you to our 8th graders for this great season! We wish them nothing best moving forward in their season and future.
over 1 year ago, Kelsie Kluck
8th grade
Good afternoon, We would like to promote an upcoming opportunity for 3rd through 8th graders interested in baseball. Our Bureau Valley high school players and coaches are hosting a hitting league that runs five Sundays from January 22 through February 19 from approximately 3:00-4:00pm. The purpose of the hitting league is to continue to provide opportunities for hitting instruction, while also putting players in scenarios where they are working toward specific hitting goals in an active, competitive environment. Our first rendition of this a couple of years ago was a lot of fun and was very well attended, so we are glad to have this program back for the first time since Covid. If you are interested in participating, please see the attached information. You may register to attend using this Google Form. Please feel free to reach out to Coach Schisler at rschisler@bureauvalley.net with any questions. Thank you and we hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, Kelsie Kluck
Hitting League
Chuck a Duck is back! The Interact Club will be doing "Chuck a Duck" at halftime of the 8th grade game tonight. Ducks are $2 and may be purchased at the door with the school proceeds going to the Bivins Family. The duck closest to the target will win the other half of the pot. Good luck to both boys' teams tonight! 8th grade recognition will be done in between the 7th and 8th grade game. Come out to support the Storm for a fun night for all! Go Storm!
over 1 year ago, Kelsie Kluck
Chuck  A Duck
BVJH and BVE families our lost and found has grown to two tables! Please encourage your student to look through it and be aware that anything left on Friday will be donated.
over 1 year ago, Julie Platz
lost and found
Our 7th/8th grade boys basketball teams will be having their final home game starting at 5:00 tomorrow night. We will also will have 8th grade recognition in between games. Good luck to both teams on their final game before the SRC tournament this weekend! Go Storm!
over 1 year ago, Kelsie Kluck
Final Home Game
We would like to wish you a Happy New Year!! Make 2023 a GREAT one! “The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.” —Melody Beattie
over 1 year ago, Caitlyn DeMay
JH Volleyball girls putting work in over Winter Break! 💙🏐
over 1 year ago, Caitlyn DeMay
The BVJH/BVE family would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holidays with your loved ones! See you next year! Go Storm!
over 1 year ago, Kelsie Kluck
Christmas Card
Mrs. Kuelper’s fifth grade students received their secret Santa socks from their gift exchange.
over 1 year ago, Maranda Kuelper
Secret Santa
Congratulations to the December BVJH Students of the Month! These students showed a positive influence on the BVJH student body through extraordinary qualities of character, citizenship, service, and leadership.
over 1 year ago, Megan Haley
BVJH & BVE were jammin out in their Christmas jammies today! Tomorrow is our final day before break and it’s ugly Christmas sweater day! Also do not forget we have a 2:00 dismissal tomorrow as well!
over 1 year ago, Kelsie Kluck
Xmas PJ 1
Xmas PJ 2
Xmas PJ 3
Xmas PJ 4
Mrs. Bell’s class completed a gingerbread themed day. They created energy efficient gingerbread houses using different food material for insulation, weather stripping, smart meter, solar cell, and Christmas lights. They did a great job!
over 1 year ago, Suzy Bell
4th grade
4th grade
4th grade
4th grade