This is a reminder that tomorrow, November 5th we will set our clocks back 1 hour. Don't forget to fall back!
10 months ago, Janis McDonald
Mrs. Dye's and Mrs. Monier's 2nd grade classes read the story Pumpkin Jack. We discussed the pumpkin life cycle. Then we set up our own Pumpkin Jack. We will keep the pumpkin in this container and observe the changes it goes through. Hopefully the end result will be new pumpkin plants to plant in the school garden! Students will record their observations throughout the process.
10 months ago, Becky Dye
pumpkin Jack
pumpkin jack
pumpkin Jack
pumpkin Jack
pumpkin Jack
pumpkin Jack
pumpkin Jack
Ms. Michlig and Miss Mall's students read a fun story called Christopher Pumpkin! In the story, Christopher decorated the witch's castle with fun, colorful decorations. The students were able to decorate their own haunted castles! Teachers came in and voted for the castle they would attend a party at! Which one would you vote for?!?
10 months ago, Wendy Michlig
Haunted Castles
BV Walnut 4th graders had fun on Halloween morning by solving the Mystery in Cardiff! Students had to use inferencing and sequencing skills to solve the crime of the stolen painting. Special shout out to our winners Camden, Alexa, Tucker, and Bella for solving the mystery!
10 months ago, Margaret Henegar
students working
students working
Camden, Alexa, Tucker, and Bell- our winning team!
The mystery
Walnut Preschool Halloween 2023. Can not go wrong with goodies, treats and dress up!!
10 months ago, Deb Spratt
Halloween 2023
A few 4th and 5th grade students enjoyed writing descriptive paragraphs about: If their teacher turned into Frankenstein or a Witch... Great job kids! Happy Halloween!!!
10 months ago, Melissa Arians
4th Grade
5th Grade
Halloween party in 3K!
10 months ago, Krystal Krug
Halloween party in 3K!
Mrs. Monier's 2nd grade Halloween Party
10 months ago, Brenda Monier
Halloween Party
Halloween Party
Halloween Party
Halloween Party Halloween Party
Halloween Party
Halloween Party
Halloween Party
Halloween Party
Halloween Party
Halloween Party
We have had a few visitors in the Walnut Preschool classroom. We missed a few photo ops but we appreciate all those who have given their time and look forward to the next round of visitors.
10 months ago, Deb Spratt
Classroom Visitors
5th Grade is working on expository writing. This week, that meant writing step-by-step directions on how to make a PB&J sandwich. Students also got to enjoy their creations, of course!
10 months ago, Dane Huseman
How to make a PB&J
How to make a PB&J
How to make a PB&J
How to make a PB&J
How to make a PB&J
How to make a PB&J
How to make a PB&J
How to make a PB&J
How to make a PB&J
How to make a PB&J
Please help me decide... which teacher team had the best pumpkin?? Like your favorite photo to vote.
10 months ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Mrs. Cady's update. We had fun celebrating Red Ribbon Week!
10 months ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Third grade is continuing on strengthening their multiplication skills and facts by creating their own buildings for ARRAY CITY! Different buildings, different colors, different arrays for our city! #UnityExcellencePride
10 months ago, Zach DeMay
Our Lost and Found table is getting very full. Please take a look at the table to see if any of our items belong to you. Thank you and have a great weekend.
10 months ago, Janis McDonald
Lost and found
Third grade students are working on problem solving with missing factors. They also are continuing to conquer their multiplication facts by playing multiplication squares with the big dice. Keep on working hard 3rd grade! #UnityExcellencePride
10 months ago, Zach DeMay
Red Ribbon Week day 5. Storm Day. Show your school spirit and wear your Storm gear! "Show Storm spirit in being all that you can be!"
10 months ago, Janis McDonald
4th Grade twinning for Red Ribbon Week!
10 months ago, Margaret Henegar
Tucker and Camden
Ainsley and Anika
4th Grade
Bella and Abri
Rylan and Hunter
Adalynn and Brooklyn
Ellie and Leah
Red Ribbon Week day 4. Wear Red Day. Wear all the red you can find! "Wear red to show Red Ribbon Week support"
10 months ago, Janis McDonald
The garden club has finished their fall season but we had lots of fun this fall. We harvested watermelons, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers and even pumpkins! We ate most of our fruits and vegetables fresh from the garden but there were a few that we made a special meal out of. We used some of our tomatoes, carrots, onions, and green peppers to make a big batch of chili for the Fall Fest chili cook off. We had a lot of help from teachers and it turned out delicious - so delicious that we won second place at the cook off! 😊 The kids decided to spend half of our prize money on an end of the year party with s'mores and pumpkin decorating and the other half, they wanted to donate to families that need help with food. Working with the garden and the kids is so rewarding and after our winter rest, we'll be ready to start again in the spring!
10 months ago, Val Peterson
Red Ribbon Week day 3. Wacky Wednesday. Dress in your silly or mismatched clothes. "Be a Smartie.. and be drug free!"
10 months ago, Janis McDonald