Check out Mrs. Cassidy on Flipgrid.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Max and Gronk learn about artist Chuck Close from Mrs. Berry.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Happy Easter from Max, Gronk, and Mrs. Berry.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Harvest from our Garden Tower in Walnut.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Packets for week two of remote learning will be available for pick up on Wednesday, April 8th from 10:30 - 12:00 if you would like a printed copy.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
April 5, 2020 Dear Bureau Valley Elementary Families, We understand that the challenges families are experiencing due to the current threat of Covid-19 and the stay at home order for Illinois are stressful to everyone involved and want to assure you that our main focus is the health and well being of our students and families. Many of you have asked about completing the work made available to you and how grading will work. Just like when we are in school the teachers will not grade 100% of what your child completes. They will, however, grade the key items they find most important for your child, which will be indicated by a star on the top right corner. You are encouraged to have your child complete all the work since it is practice for the items that will be graded, but please remember at this time you know your family and child the best. Please do what is manageable. As a reminder, your student’s grade can not be negatively impacted during remote learning. We do not wish to add additional stress to families to assess their child’s achievement; instead, we seek to maintain communication with families regarding the progress they are seeing at home. We ask that families establish regular and consistent communication with their teacher. This may be through phone calls, emails, Class DOJO, or other digital resources that are available. Our teachers will be available to you through office hours from 9:00 -11:00 and 12:00 - 3:00 on remote learning days. We understand you may be working with your child outside of those hours. You are welcome to send communication when it is convenient for your family, but please understand that outside of the teacher’s office hours there may be a delay in response. Being at home all day is NOT our normal! Our kids are not used to being in their houses all day long. Children are grieving right now. Out of the blue, they lost a lot. It is wonderful that so many opportunities are available online, but it's not the same. They lost their in-person time with friends, their daily routine, and the predictability of life that gives us security. HONOR that grief process! It's okay and even necessary to be REAL with yourself about what's actually happening. Our lives may never be the same after this. If you crumble, honor that. I promise you, your child will learn. We learn from all of life! Scheduling Reminder/Changes: Friday 4/10 - No School as originally planned Monday 4/13 - Staff Professional Development Day - No remote learning planned Monday 4/27 - Staff Professional Development Day - No remote learning planned Remote learning materials will be posted on We know things can be very confusing and overwhelming at this time and hope to provide some structure and normalcy for our students in these difficult times. Please reach out with any questions or concerns at any time. Sincerely, Kristie Cady Principal, Bureau Valley Elementary
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Mrs. Berry and her helpers color Easter eggs.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Check out Mrs. Berry, Max, and Gronk as they teach you about hearts.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
We hope day 1 of remote learning went well.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
If you have a K-5 student all their material is posted on the website, sent to you in an email and available by printed packet. If you want a packet, pick up today from 10:30-12 or call the office for other arrangements. We ask you let your teacher know by Friday if you would like to continue to get packets or if all online is what works best for your family.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
March 30, 2020 Dear Bureau Valley Families, With many changing guidelines over the past few weeks, I want to personally thank all of you for your patience, flexibility, and support as we all navigate through this unusual situation together. Bureau Valley students will begin Remote Learning on Wednesday, April 1, 2020. On Friday, March 27, 2020, the Illinois State Board of Education released new guidance for student learning. Rather than forwarding the lengthy guidelines for Remote Learning, this letter will attempt to simplify the information as it will pertain to Bureau Valley students. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is Remote Learning? Remote learning is defined as an “educational program designed to provide continuation of learning for students under conditions that prohibit the learner and instructor from being in the same physical space.” Remote learning will be required for Illinois schools until in-person learning is permitted. Currently, the governor has closed schools through April 7th; however, many people anticipate the closure of schools may extend past this date. How and what will students be learning? PreK-5: Students will receive printed packets of work in addition to online platforms used in the classroom. Families need to pick up their child’s packet at the building their child attends on Wednesday, April 1 from 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 or call the office prior to Wednesday to make alternative arrangements. 6-8: Starting on April 1st, teachers will be communicating daily lessons and assignments by 9:00 a.m. via Gmail, Google Classroom, etc. These learning opportunities will be specific to the classes that students currently have in the fourth quarter. Students are expected to complete all activities and assignments at a pace and time that works best for them. All teachers will be available to answer questions and help students during their office hours. How will students learn if they don’t have internet access? Students who advise they could not access the material electronically will be provided paper copies and/or alternative assignments to complete with no penalty. How will daily attendance be recorded? Pre K - 5: Attendance will be based on teacher communication and the completion of packets provided by teachers for students. Students need to communicate with their teacher at least once a week on how they are doing with their learning. Students will be marked present unless communicated otherwise. 6-8: Students will be required to report their daily attendance by 11:00 a.m. on each day of Remote Learning. Students need to login to TeacherEase and will be asked to “Please Check-in to E-Learning”. They will then select the green check-in box and click done. They will then be marked present for the day. How will these assignments be graded? Based on recommendations from the Illinois State Board of Education, “student learning should continue during the remote learning period,” though homework should not “negatively impact” a student’s grade. With this guidance, Bureau Valley as follows: PreK - 5: Students will be expected to complete and provide evidence of the completion to their teacher. Teachers will communicate how that evidence should be shared. It may include emails, pictures of completed work, Google Docs, papers returned to the teacher when school resumes and/or other means which are communicated. 6-8: Assignments given during Remote Learning days (starting April 1st) will be scored and will count towards a student’s grade. Teachers will enter grades for each assignment in TeacherEase that will count as a grade. If the grade on an assignment would improve a student’s overall grade, it will be entered as is; however, if the grade would drop a student’s overall grade, the teacher will enter an “I” (incomplete) in the gradebook and provide opportunities for the student to redo the assignment until he/she successfully completes the assignment. Will students still be provided meals during Remote Learning? All students will be able to get free breakfasts and lunches on Remote Learning days. These meals will be distributed from 10:30-12:00 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Families will be provided with two breakfasts and two lunches at each day’s curbside pickup, which will ensure meals for the entire week. For more information, please click here. Can I enter the school, and will the office be open? Entrance into the building will be extremely limited. Visitors will need to state their reason for entry and may be asked to remain in the front foyer. The school offices will be staffed from 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. to answer calls during each day of Remote Learning. Students who need supplies from lockers, paper-based learning materials, etc. should call the office in advance. What can I do to help stop the spread of the virus? Everyone is asked to please follow the regulations of the Illinois Department of Public Health, Bureau County Health Department, and other agencies in hopes of stopping the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus. These measures include following the “Stay at Home” order, enforcing social distancing, washing your hands frequently, disinfecting commonly used surfaces, etc. If you’re experiencing any symptoms, you should contact your local health care provider. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This letter, hopefully, provides some guidance and answers to your questions regarding education. More importantly, I hope that you and your family have remained safe and healthy during this pandemic. I understand that these times are unique and trying for all of us; however, the Bureau Valley family has already shown over the past few weeks that we can and will collectively help each other through these changes. While the future remains uncertain, I am confident that we will still rise up and succeed. Sincerely, Kristie Cady Principal, Bureau Valley Elementary
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
In an effort to obey the Governor’s “Stay at Home” order and practice social distancing, we will now ONLY be distributing meals on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. This plan will go into effect on Monday, March 30th. These FREE meals will be provided for children ages 18 and younger, or others who are currently enrolled at Bureau Valley CUSD #340. Families will be provided with 2 lunch meals and 2 breakfast meals via curbside service to span the entire week. If distribution days and times were to change due to the fluidity of the situation, district administration will provide notification to all community members. WHERE AND WHEN CAN I PICK UP THESE MEALS? Buda - Bus Stop (Younggren Center) Manlius - High School Front Door Sheffield - Bus Stop (United Church of Christ) Walnut - Elementary School a.m. parent drop off circle Wyanet - Elementary School a.m. parent drop off circle WHEN CAN I PICK UP THESE MEALS? Meals can be picked up at each site from 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We ask that people pick up one bag per child in their care and immediately leave the site. WHAT IF I CAN’T GET TO THE SITE? Call your students' building between the hours of 9:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m. and we will try our best to accommodate you. CAN I COME ONCE AND GET ENOUGH FOOD FOR THE WEEK? Due to our resources, it is best to get food every other day. If you have limited transportation, please call your building and make your needs known and we will do our best to accommodate you. CAN I COME HELP PREPARE/DISTRIBUTE MEALS? We appreciate the community's willingness to help! At this time we are trying our best to follow the social distancing guidelines and will be using our staff only. Mr. Jason Stabler
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Please be sure to complete the survey if you have a student in preschool - 5th grade. We need accurate information to provide you with remote learning opportunities.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Art with Mrs. Berry - Artist Romero Britto
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Where the Wild Things are with Mrs. Berry
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
March 20, 2020 Dear Storm Families and Staff, On Friday, March 20th, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker issued a “Stay-at-Home” order for the entire state starting Saturday, March 21, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. This order essentially commands residents to stay in their homes as the officials take measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Residents can still shop for groceries, put gas in their cars, take walks outside, and collect prescriptions from pharmacies. All local roads, including the interstate highways and tollways, will remain open to traffic, as well. Under the governor’s directive, schools will continue to be closed through Tuesday, April 7th. Schools will tentatively reopen Wednesday, April 8th, unless otherwise mandated by the governor, Illinois State Board of Education, or local health agencies. This mandated closure also extends the canceling of all school activities and events, including sports, meetings, etc. Next week is our regularly planned spring break, and, therefore, most school functions were already scheduled to be off and district employees were to be given the time off. As a result, food services will not be available from March 21st through March 29th. Additionally, families and staff are strongly encouraged to take time for themselves as they normally would during spring break. If students or parents desire educational opportunities during their break, please check out the parent link on the district website for “Supplemental Educational Resources”. After our scheduled spring break, the district is confident that it will be able to provide meals during the extended school closure. As arrangements are made, we will communicate the hours and distribution process for meals from March 30th through April 7th. We will also communicate further opportunities for students’ learning for March 31st through April 7th after the Illinois Board of Education provides clarity and direction. It is with the guidance and mandates of state officials that we work to ensure the safety and well-being of all members of the Bureau Valley family. We strongly encourage our population to follow the advice of officials in an effort to stop the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus to get everyone back to school as soon as possible to continue our communities’ drive for Unity, Excellence, and Pride. Thank you for your continued support, flexibility, and patience. Sincerely, The Bureau Valley CUSD #340 Administrative Team
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Check out the YouTube channel for activities to do with the sacks from lunch. Remember they are available from 10:30-12:00. If you can't get to a site call your students building between 9 and 11 and we'll help you out the best we can.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Meals are served from 10:30-12. You may pick up from any site not just the town you live in. Bringing a grocery sack to carry your milk and juice would be a good idea.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady