The PTO needs you! Can you not make a meeting but would love to help? The first opportunity is to help provide Thanksgiving meal to our staff on November 17th. Please check out the link for other opportunities.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Happy Halloween from the AM Preschool Class!
almost 2 years ago, Deb Spratt
AM Class Halloween Pic 1
AM Class Halloween Pic 2
PM Walnut Preschool says Happy Halloween!
almost 2 years ago, Deb Spratt
PM Class Happy Halloween
PM Class Halloween Picture
Fun Fair was VERY busy for us! We did not get very many photos. But here is a few showing the fun!
almost 2 years ago, Deb Spratt
Fun Fair Photo Collage
Thank you to all who participated in the first Bureau Valley Halloween Fun Fair. The good ol' fun fair was back! There was children and teens experiencing a sacred family past time and there was parents reliving their childhoods. Often it is the little things in life that can bring us the memories we cherish the most. I hope that this little moment of time at a good ol' fun fair did just that! Please thank our many volunteers, bakers, and school staff that helped to make this happen! No word on the next fun fair as we are in recovery mode at this time!!
almost 2 years ago, Deb Spratt
Fun Fair Thank You
It's been a great week celebrating Red Ribbon Week. To wrap our week up we will wear our Sprit wear. "Our School Chooses to Be Drug Free:.
almost 2 years ago, Janis McDonald
Thursday is Red Day. Wear red for Red Ribbon Week. "Proud To Be Drug Free".
almost 2 years ago, Janis McDonald
Wednesday we will wear Neon Colors and sunglasses for Red Ribbon Week. "I'm Too Bright for Drugs".
almost 2 years ago, Janis McDonald
Please join us at BV Walnut for our annual Veterans Day program on November 11th at 10:00 a.m.
almost 2 years ago, Amber Entas
Veterans Day Invitation
We will celebrate Red Ribbon Week Tuesday by wearing Disney/Super Hero outfits. "Don't Let Drugs Steal Your Magic".
almost 2 years ago, Janis McDonald
This is a reminder that we have Red Ribbon Week this week. Tomorrow is pajama day. Please feel free to have your student wear school appropriate pajamas to school.
almost 2 years ago, Janis McDonald
Remember 11:00 dismissal today.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
We are very thankful for all of you who have signed up to make us goodies for the Fun Fair on Friday, October 28th. We have met the quota! Please have all the sweets at the school of your choice by 1 pm for Wyanet and Walnut and by 4 for the High School. This has been a community effort and you are appreciated!
almost 2 years ago, Deb Spratt
Fun Fair Goodies
Stellar Storm Student Alert 1st Grade - Brynn Maynard & Madelyn King, 3rd Grade Bryson Denning, 5th Grade Jaxson Ashby. Congrats to these students for being recognized for being Respectful, Responsible, & Safe!
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Help Needed - The PTO is feeding staff supper on 10/12 for P\T Conferences. They are serving appetizers and desserts. Food would need to be at the school by 4:00. Please contact Tonya Spencer so she can ensure there is enough food.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Reminder- Picture day tomorrow, Wednesday, September 21st
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Hat day was a great opportunity to talk with students about an important day in history. We want to thank the fire department for bringing out the equipment and helping show students the face of people who are always there in a moment of need.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Remember to wear those hats and bring a donation in remembrance of 9/11 tomorrow (Friday, September 9)
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Good morning. Attached please find an offer for free dentistry day to be held this Friday, September 9th through True Smiles in Sterling. Please call True Smiles with any questions. Thank you.
almost 2 years ago, Janis McDonald
Free dentistry