BV STEM Night PK - 8th Grade students and their parents are invited. A link for sign-up was sent out by email or you can use the link/QR code on this flyer. It will be scientifically terrific!
over 1 year ago, Deb Spratt
Family Stem Night Flyer
Kindergarten participating in the game Battle Zone. The students were developing throwing and catching skills.
over 1 year ago, Cordell Juhola
Battle Zone K
Kindergarten celebrated Valentines Day by having a wedding for the letters Q and U.
over 1 year ago, Christa Gruber
Q & U wedding
We look forward to seeing all of the students tomorrow! We will start our skating unit in PE class. Please remember to send extra pair of socks and ensure they are tall.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
The week of 2/21-24 Bureau Valley will hold kindergarten pre-registration. If you have a child who will be 5yrs old by 9/1/23 please contact the office to sign up. We will be skating from 2/21-3/3. Please send long socks for your student to wear while skating. Thank you.
over 1 year ago, Janis McDonald
Children who will be 5 on or before Sept. 1 are eligible for Kindergarten in the fall. Pre-Kindergarten registration will be held Tues., Feb. 21st - Fri., Feb. 24th from 8:30 a.m.-2:00p.m. Please bring a certified copy of your child's birth certificate and proof of residency.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Bureau Valley Schools will not be in session on Friday 2/17 and Monday 2/20. We hope you all enjoy your long weekend. We will see everyone on Tuesday, 2/21.
over 1 year ago, Janis McDonald
On Thursday, February 16th Bureau Valley will dismiss at 11:00am. There will be no lunch served.
over 1 year ago, Janis McDonald
It's Dental Health Month! Mrs. Andersen (True Smiles Hygienists) joined our class to tell us all about taking care of our teeth. She shared her dinosaur with dentures to practice brushing. Thank you Mrs. Andersen for sharing your wisdom and the toothbrushes and toothpastes given.
over 1 year ago, Deb Spratt
Dental Health Month
Mary Andersen
First grade finished their Chinese unit making fans and learning the traditional fan dance.
over 1 year ago, David Larkin
Second grade has finished their unit on Russia. We made Russian nesting dolls. We also learned about two ballets, a couple Russian folk songs and other things.
over 1 year ago, David Larkin
Kindergartners have been studying Canada in music class. We visited Niagara Falls, learned folk songs and about totem poles. We made totem poles and then turned them into songs. Next week, polar bear hunting!
over 1 year ago, David Larkin
k totems
k totems
First grade has been studying China for the Chinese New Year in music class. We made dragons and did the dragon dance.
over 1 year ago, David Larkin
first grade dragons
first grade dragons
BV Wyanet and Walnut transformed the evening into a drive-in movie, including the making of their very own cars. First there was an automobile factory with the parents and children working together to manufacture vehicles. Then the families enjoyed a Tator movie and popcorn.
over 1 year ago, Deb Spratt
Preschool Drive-In Movie Night
Celebrating the 100th day of school in kindergarten 💯🏫📚
over 1 year ago, Christa Gruber
100th day
Tomorrow 1/27 we will have our annual sledding party. Please bring your snow gear and sleds tomorrow morning. Please make sure that your sled has your name on it. We're looking forward to a fun recess!
over 1 year ago, Janis McDonald
sledding 2
We are eagerly waiting for our One School One Book reveal tomorrow! Reading will start Monday, January 23rd.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Kristie Cady
Positions open for the 2023-2024 school year.
over 1 year ago, Amber Entas
elementary positions
We would like to remind everyone there will be no school Monday, January 16th in honor of Martin Luther King Day. We will see you on January 17th.
over 1 year ago, Janis McDonald
The Princeton Youth Soccer League has shared information regarding their upcoming spring soccer season open to area students. Enrollment for the Spring 2023 season is Jan 15- Feb 12, 2023. Please see the flyer attached if your child may be interested.
over 1 year ago, Janis McDonald
Youth soccer